A podcast for busy midlifers ready to reclaim their energy, joy, and purpose.
Are you, like me, riding the rollercoaster of midlife and menopause, and eager to get back to living your best life? Are you tired of low energy, a short temper and endless self doubt?
Well, It’s time to stress less and shine more. It’s time ditch the worry, reclaim your mojo and unleash your inner brilliance.
It's never too late to transform, and you’re certainly not too old. And in my opinion, midlife and menopause provide the perfect opportunity to do just that.
Join me each week for uplifting stories and expert insights on how to feel as good as you can and create a joyful, purpose-driven life you truly love.
So when you’re ready, Let the beautiful menomorphosis begin!
#111 Tapping into Your Intuition and Inner Wisdom with Nicola McCarthy
In this week's episode, I chat to Nicola McCarthy—an Intuitive, Healer, Natural Health Advocate, Angel Messenger, and so much more!
Nicola shares her incredible personal journey, revealing how her heightened sensitivities as a child evolved into powerful spiritual gifts. She opens up about the challenges of being an empath, the importance of setting energetic boundaries, and how embracing her abilities transformed her life.
Together, we dive into what it means to trust your inner guidance, the key differences between psychic abilities and mediumship, and how anyone can develop a deeper connection to their spiritual side.
Nicola also introduces us to light language—an energetic form of communication that can help clear emotional blockages and raise your vibration.
If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by emotions, disconnected from your true self, or uncertain about the next chapter of your life, this episode will inspire you to step into your power.
In This Episode, We Explore:
🔹 Nicola’s path to understanding and embracing her gifts
🔹 How to tap into your intuition and inner wisdom
🔹 The difference between psychic abilities and mediumship
🔹 The transformative power of light language
🔹 Ways to stay open to new possibilities
To find out more about Nicola and her work:
To find out more about my membership The Inner Space go to: https://www.pollywarren.com/theinnerspace
Email me at: info@pollywarren.com
Are you, like me, riding the roller coaster of midlife and menopause and eager to get back to living your best life? Are you tired of low energy, a short temper and endless self-doubt? Well, it's time to stress less and shine more. It's time to ditch the worry, reclaim your mojo and unleash your inner brilliance. It's never too late to transform, and you're certainly not too old, and, in my opinion, midlife and metaphors provide the perfect opportunity to do just that. Join me each week for uplifting stories and expert insights on how to feel as good as you can and create a joyful, purpose-driven life you truly love. So, whenever you're ready, let the beautiful metamorphosis begin. Thank you so much, nicola, for joining me. I'm so excited for this conversation Is so Me too. I can't wait. So, Nicola, I think, before we get started, do you just want to tell everybody who you are and what it is that you actually do today in terms of I suppose we call it a job career.
Nicola:Yeah, well, that's a big question what do I do? I do lots of things, but I suppose really my aim is to help people raise their vibration and really raise the consciousness of the planet and what we're going through right now. Um, you know, we've got massive changes going on and so much is coming up for so many people. So I just, I just I help them, um, I help them clear that, I help them see a way forward. Um, I work with many different tools, which I'm sure we'll talk about later, but really it's about reharmonizing, rebalancing and clearing clearing what's holding us back.
Polly:Yeah, right, let's dive into it. So you have many spiritual gifts, of which I have experienced some of what I'd love to start with, I mean, I don't. Really. It's quite difficult to know where to start, so I think the easiest place to start is really your childhood. If you could just tell us a little bit about what was your childhood like? Did you know that you had these spiritual gifts? If you didn't, when did they? When did they kind of make themselves known to you and how did you? How did you cope with all of that?
Nicola:okay. So, in sort of on reflection, I was very different, but as a child um, we don't think we're different, do we? We just, you know, muddle along. I was very quiet, quite withdrawn, which I think a lot of people that know me now probably would wonder what on earth I'm talking about. But I used to, I think, feel everything and I would sense what everybody was going through. So I was a huge empath and that would manifest in kind of like teachers, you know, I'd feel sorry for the teachers, so I would feel what the teachers were going through.
Nicola:So we had, you know, one particular teacher who was very nervous and I would, literally, I'd be so nervous myself just thinking what she was going through. You know, she'd blush a lot and, you know, get a bit flustered, and well, of course I didn't understand. I was only, you know, seven or eight at the time, but I would do that with, you know, all the other children and family members and I would just feel the pain and the suffering and the sadness that everybody else was going through and I took that as my own. You know, I thought that that was me and I think, you know, really I didn't understand any of this, probably until my early 30s I had no idea. I didn't even know what an empath was, so I was just highly, highly sensitive, plugging in to everybody's feelings, yeah.
Polly:I was about to ask you can you just can you just explain to anybody who doesn't know what an empath is.
Nicola:Yeah, you are, you are going through what other people are going through and you're feeling, and you can feel that you can literally take on other people's pain which I can talk about later as well, because that that is a big thing with me, you know, taking on other people's pain Everything kind of shut down a bit when I was in my teenage years, you know, and boys and hormones, and parties, and excitement, so I suppose that was a different part of my life. But then towards the end of my teenage years, everything started to kick in. I didn't know things were about to happen. So you know, I wouldn't predict, but I, you know, nobody around me understood what I was going through. You know, my family just called me weird and as soon as I started to become interested in actually developing it, they told me to know, shut it down. You know it was. It was dangerous because of my own safety. They didn't understand. So what sort of things, nicola?
Polly:sorry to interrupt. What sort of things would you know which?
Nicola:okay so I would know, um, all sorts of things, but one really really sticks in my mind, mind, and it's the most kind of uninteresting things, I guess, but it was so powerful for me because I knew that my, I had a necklace that I used to wear, a beaded necklace, and I wore it every single day, my favorite bit of jewelry, you know, as a teenager, and I knew it was about to break. I just knew it was about to break and about 10 minutes later it snapped and all the beads pinged all over the floor and I burst into tears because it terrified me.
Nicola:It was like what on earth, you know what? Yeah, and then I would know that things were about to happen. And then I would know that things were about to happen. So I mean, in later years it would be not so nice things, horrible things, that would happen on the news and I knew the day before that they were going to happen. It's quite scary, isn't it? Mind I'd know where, I'd know when I knew that the queen mother was going to die the following day and she hadn't even been well, because it comes through quite strongly so that you'll recognize it. So you know, if you're just given little things and it's not, doesn't really mean anything. You know, these were kind of big, big things for me recognize. And then I had the option then to develop it if I wanted to, and so you decided that it was something that you did want to develop it.
Polly:So how do you go about developing it? What did you do?
Nicola:Well, I, we're always led, aren't we? The minute that we agree to something, I think you know something comes into your life to lead you, you know, in the right direction. It was really weird, actually. My children they just started school and I was feeling a bit lost, I wasn't ready to start working again and I was just having a chat with somebody in the school playground and she said, said, oh, you know, why don't you come with me to a holistic evening? And each week somebody would present their you know what they were doing. So, you know it would be an aromatherapist or crystals or reflexology or something. And I would go along and every week I'd want to do whatever they were talking about. It was just like it was so appealing to me. These were different people. These were people that were totally in their heart, working from their heart. They were intuitive. They really were, you know, quite spiritual people.
Nicola:And through that I found out about a talk that was going on about, you know, a spiritual talk in the village hall. I mean, we didn't have computers back then, it was so simple and I went to a talk and I was absolutely mesmerized. I just thought I need to know everything. I need to know everything about this. So I joined something called a circle, which sounds like a witch's coven. It was meeting in somebody's kitchen, actually, um, every every week, the same evening, same time. A small group of us and we would develop our spirituality, develop our gifts, and I it just switched on just like that, like so quickly, and it was like a new love, absolutely like a new love. I just wanted to do this all the time because, you know, going back to all of these, you know premonitions. I was now sitting with people and reading for them and telling them what they'd gone through in their life, who their partner was, what they did for a job, the car they drove, what I saw coming up for them in the future. If they wanted to go that way, because we've all got choices in our lives, in our lives and kind of fast forwarding.
Nicola:I became a reflexologist. I did massage, bodywork, crystals, kinesiology, lots of different things, but I was actually feeling people's bodies and what was going on in their body and areas. So I really knew that I could kind of combine the two because I would have this constant stream of intuitive, um, sense of where to go, what to do, but it was also connecting with their heart. You know, I was because I was this empath, I would know exactly where to go, what was going on for them, because it might not be their body, it might not be physical, it might just be they're coming for a chat. They really needed to offload something.
Nicola:So it kind of went in that direction and honestly, it was just so fast and so flowy. You know, when you're doing the right thing, um, I mean so I say to my clients when you found the right thing, you've agreed to it. You know, don't worry, because it will just flow, it will just come, you know, and just listen to that calling. And I really listened. And then one day I just was on my own and I just had a voice in my head because, you know, I do all the Claire's, you know clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience. So I see, I hear, I feel I do all the things. And this voice was just saying find a pen and write and I was like they really are going to commit me, you know like so this was the first time you had actually heard a voice.
Nicola:Up until that point had you only just felt stuff no, I had heard voices for other people, because it was always all the clairs just switched on immediately. So was that?
Polly:did that switch on whilst you were in just starting to do all of this? Yeah, yeah, yeah, since you had gone to that first initial absolutely in the kitchen table.
Nicola:Okay, right, so then it all switched on, I would see images and I I kind of equate it to like a dream. So when you're you have a dream and you, you see or you remember a film, and if you're a visual person, you can see those images in your mind, can't you? In your mind's eye. That is clairvoyance. But sometimes they will happen really, really fast because the spirit world work on a much faster vibration so they send things through really really quickly. So sometimes I'd find it very difficult passing a message on, because the message would be so fast. It would be like a very fast reel of film and then the words would come through.
Nicola:Sometimes that'd be my voice, but like you, when you you're maybe trying to remember what's on a shopping list and you're like in your head you're going oh yeah, eggs, milk, bread. Yeah, it's a bit like that, but it's like your own voice, and then other times it would be somebody else's voice. So if you were connecting with a loved one, it would come through as like a man's voice or a young child's. Like everything you, you just learn ways of honing, honing your gift. Yeah, it's not, you're not well, you are learning, but it's. I believe that most people can do this well, first let's just go back a bit.
Polly:so, so what you're describing am I right in saying that would be you've kind of got psychic abilities as well as you are also a medium? Yeah, can you just explain, nicola, the difference, because they're very easily confused, aren't they? What's the difference between them?
Nicola:kick is all about you, so it's about what's brought you to where you are in your life now. So your path, it's all about you and your personality. You know, um, your good bits, your bad bits. You know your, your shadows, your, your aspirations, where you want to go in life, um, what's possible for you. So, and I see that as like a bubble around you and it and and it comes like really it's like a. So I do this online and I actually find it easier to do this online, to be honest with you, because it's like you don't get so involved with the 3D person.
Nicola:I can just blend with your energy quite easily, because really it doesn't matter where you are in the world, it has no difference. Energy is energy, and so that's psychic and, as I said, you can kind of for some people, people I can see possibilities for their future. But I always say you know, nothing's set in stone, it's you've got your life to lead, it's like you can do whatever you like. But sometimes things might present to you and you're like oh god, nicola mentioned that five years ago and oh, here I am, am, and I had no thought that I'd be here. So that's psychic and I say, all mediums are psychics, but not all psychics are mediums. Okay, so mediums are it's when you blend with the spirit world, and so you are blending with somebody's loved one or somebody that has known that person.
Nicola:And, yeah, that was like that was really surprising for me when I started doing that, because it was like I was sat back to back with somebody and asked to read for this particular person and I just thought I have no idea what you're talking about, I don't know, and I was just asked to you know, expand my energy, blend with his energy, and then I just, yeah, I just got so much through for him. So, and that is is just beautiful. You know, it's, it's a it's not really what I do now. I mean, I will always do readings for people. It's still something that I offer on my website, but it's not really the work that I do now. But having said that, you know, if somebody needs that, then they'll come and I will do.
Polly:It is this is it always active? I'm just do you, is this always on or can you control? How do you control what comes into you? Because surely it must be quite exhausting if you're constantly hearing voices, seeing things, yeah, listening to you, know what is going on, yeah absolutely.
Nicola:You know, in the early days I had no idea and I was. So I'm quite a open person and I was. I was just in a card shop choosing a birthday card for somebody and I got the lady that was choosing another birthday card standing next to me. I got her husband and he was he was really asking me to give a message to her and I was like I can't do this. You know, she's not come to me for a reading and and it was just, it was quite, like you say, exhausting because I would just be having getting messages all the time. But yeah, you absolutely have to learn. Learn to.
Nicola:It's like boundaries with anything that you do. You know, any work that you do you have to have and you really need to be very um strict with those boundaries and it's like anything, it's, it's just an imaginary door that you close and you're right. Okay, I'm not working now, and you know, but there's always times that that doesn't work. You know, if it's something I only last week I had a message come through from a client who had passed away years and years ago for his wife and he wouldn't leave me alone and I just thought I have to contact her and I don't know why, but he's like sending so much love, so much love her way, and it turned out that she just lost somebody really really close and she was so over the moon that I'd contacted her. So I trust that because you know that could have been something really. You know, I work with the highest and I've gone a little bit higher than the mediumship now and I just, yeah, I believe and trust.
Polly:Were any of the cynics listening to this? Because there will be many, and me included once upon a time. You know who just going what, what, what? Is she talking about?
Speaker 3:what is all of this?
Polly:yeah, yeah. What would you say to them, nicola? I know it's very hard, because if someone really can't get their head around this and you know some people do believe when you die, you die and and that's it, or you know that this is it, this is our 3d world. What do you say to people like that? And I suppose someone's got to find their own way with it all, but I'm just wondering how you respond to that. To be honest, with you, polly?
Nicola:nobody asks me that, because I only ever attract the people that want my help. And, yeah, everyone's entitled to an opinion, aren't they? Of course they are. But I think everybody will go through something in their life where they'll be called to feel, see, hear something that is a little bit higher than they are used to. Yeah, and it may question. They may then start questioning and that might be. It might take years and years. They might be right at the end of their life. My own dad, you know, he, I think it was fear, to be honest with you, but now, like, they're really like open, completely open, you know, liking my Instagram posts and I mean often I don't talk about it, but I mean I've gone really way, you know, way off, way off now, and I just think, well, I've just got to let go of any ego, any fear, any concern, because that I can't have that in my life or I would not be reaching what I'm reaching.
Polly:Yeah, before we move on to that, I'd just like to go back to what you said about how you believe that everybody has some sort of psychic gifts within them and can tune into that. So I'd love you to explain a little bit more about that. How can we tune in a bit more to our own gifts?
Nicola:Well, I think you know, for a start, it's just again, you know, asking, know, asking, just being aware and starting to expand your own aura, if you like, just starting to expand and starting to raise your energy. So you know a lot that I do is raising the vibration of people and what's going on, you know, out there there is so much negative going on. If we felt that all the time, we would be so dense, we would be so dark, and there are a lot of people like that. But if you are reaching for something a little higher, looking at the positive, raising your vibration daily, being grateful for life, feeling peace in your heart, day by day, you will start to feel something inside and it will just start to open in you. You know, because it is, it is what we are.
Nicola:We are intuitive beings. I mean, before we had computers and houses, we had to know. We had to know what the weather was going to do. We had to know, you know, that there was something around the corner. We needed to really plug into that intuitive side of ourselves. And it's so easy to shut that down when we've just got so much noise around us and it's just being quiet.
Polly:Yeah, it's. It's so interesting, isn't it? Because I think we've really become so disconnected from ourselves and that disconnection obviously doesn't help us tune into our intuition. So, for me, this really just all became so clear to me when I was in my 40s. It was whilst I was going through perimenopause.
Polly:Menopause that whole time was a time where stuff was coming up and I couldn't stop it from coming up, and it took me on this journey of whatever you want to call it rediscovery, awakening, whatever it is but it started to open my eyes to what actually is going on. I felt like the blinkers had started to come off and I started to really connect with myself. And it was through practices which I was discovering, of meditation, of breath work, of these practices which were, for the first time ever, allowing me to be still, to get quiet and actually tune in to me, to what is going on. And I think this is what I was talking about for so many years with women who were struggling through perimenopause. It's like you've got to start tuning into what is your body telling you what is it talking, you know what are the messages, but it's.
Polly:But we can all do that in everyday life listening to what those messages are, we can all hear. We all hear them. But sometimes when we ignore them, they just get louder and louder and louder in very unpleasant ways. And I think you know people say, oh, I don't know, I can't, I don't know, I don't feel very intuitive. But actually we all have intuition. There are many.
Nicola:I'm sure you can think of many examples when you've just known something yeah, you know just, absolutely yeah, you can actually just really tune into um, yes, no, you know just, is that right for me or is that wrong? And you take all of that story out of your head. You know, it is just literally a thought that pops in. How does that make you feel? Does it make you feel excited or does it make you feel like and I say this to a lot of people, you know, is it, is it an intuitive thought or are you thinking? Once you start thinking, that's you, that's your story, just going on and you know you're just, that can take you on a whole story of negative patterns and beliefs and all your own past and there.
Nicola:But if it's just a thought and often that comes, you know, when you are doing nothing or you're like in the shower or you're vacuuming, you're doing something completely brainless, you're not really thinking and something will just go ping and it will just literally land with you. And that is our intuition. Or it's something higher that's coming through. You know your higher self or your guides, like they're so desperately wanting to put you on your path to you. You know, take that train so that you sit in front of that person and have that conversation and because that's how it works. You know, we get in the car and we're like, well, I don't know why, but I just feel like I should just go that way today. Oh no, I always go that way.
Polly:So you go that way, and then there's a massive traffic jam, and then it's like I wish I'd listened to myself yeah, I mean the amount of times that we could all have done that when we said, oh, I should have done what I initially thought, and then you didn't listen. It's trusting, it's that trust isn't it is absolutely trusting.
Nicola:It's absolutely trusting and I think, know, this is what I did. I just trusted and I think the younger me was very like, I say, very open, very trusting. And you know, I had this voice that just said pick up a pen. And I just thought what on earth? So I picked up a pen and I'm not a great writer, I really did not like writing English. I hated that.
Nicola:At school, I was an artist and I picked up a pen, I sat down and literally somebody was reading to me in my head and I just dictate you know, it was like dictation and I wrote it and I wrote two sides of A4 in literally a minute and this was this was like like the most the wisest words, words that not in my vocabulary. I didn't even know what they meant and you know, this came obviously like I was saying before. You know, it has to be such a big thing for you to trust Because it's like, well, that's not me. And I took it to a friend and she said, well, you didn't write that, nicola. I said, no, I know I didn't, I was. You know, I was redhead and this was my first connection with my guides and they were channeling and that was. It was before I met my husband, so that was like I don't know 25 plus years ago, and that was the first connection.
Nicola:So I then continued with this and they would literally come and I would get the first line. You know, sometimes you get like a line of a song. I don't know if you ever, if that ever happens to you, but I get the line of a song like somebody singing with like a really big message in the song for me and it's a bit like that. They come with like a little line and I'm like, okay, I'm listening, and then I just pick up a pen and it's just a really, it's a really big message. And initially these were messages for me to get onto my path, and then they were messages for my clients and now they're messages for humanity. I've been reading some of the ones that I've been writing for a couple of years now that I'm like, okay, I'm ready, I'm stepping up and what is the message at the moment which is coming through to?
Nicola:humanity. Yeah, the message is to raise our vibration, yeah, to see the truth, to believe in ourselves, to drop into our hearts and to expand and rise up. You know we have such a massive change going on right now. We're heading somewhere completely different. There's a massive shift going on. Right now we're heading somewhere completely different. There's a massive shift going on and I think you know, even if you're not spiritual, you must be able to feel it. You know it's just the vibration of the planet is changing. Everything is speeding up. Yeah, everything is speeding up.
Nicola:Yeah, I was told this about by my teacher, I don't know 20 odd years ago, who was an incredible seer. Yeah, I mean, my path was natural health, natural, natural way of living and natural life, and I taught that for about 15 years, and he was on this journey just purely to bring peace peace to the world by eating really clean, and I think that's probably one of the main things that's really really helped me on my path, you know, to get to where I am now I was going to ask you about that.
Polly:Actually, nicholas, so you had a massive I mean, it was a massive transformation yourself. Was, and was that? That was when you met David, your husband, wasn't it? So was that when you're in your 30s?
Nicola:um, yeah, I was in my 30s and, um, I was really quite unwell at the time. I was never particularly strong and yeah, I had, like well, it was horrendous joint pain, but you know you would, it was arthritis. You know, I used to wear back brace and I was in an awful lot of pain and I had really bad allergies. So, you know, my tongue would swell up. You know, at one point where I could see my tongue, like I was holding it in my hand and choking, you know, like, really, these were really, yeah, really really bad. And, um, it got to the point where I was just so desperate, yeah, we, we found something together called macrobiotics, which means it sounds like really, yeah, but macros, bios means great life, that's simply it and it's just living. It's not a diet, it's just a way of finding balance, because everybody's different, everybody needs to eat differently and have, you know, a different, everyone's got a different life and different bodies.
Nicola:And, yeah, that took us on a five year journey of discovery, I guess, in Holland, and studying really all over the world.
Nicola:And then we had a teaching school for 15 years and we, yeah, we traveled all over right up until lockdown, um, and then, like we were living in Ibiza at the time. We came back to the UK during lockdown or just before lockdown actually, I had an intuitive message go home, and it just didn't make sense, really, you know. And in 10 days we packed up and we came back to the UK. No home to go to, our home was being rented out, but, yeah, then lockdown happened. So it was like thank goodness, you know, because it's really really bad out there, and it was just okay, you're on your spiritual path now, that's what you've got to do. And and it was just a total shift in my, in my world, because we'd been working together for 15 years. And then it was like, okay, now it was almost like that was a big part of getting me to where I needed to be well, you couldn't have done it if you were full of allergies and feeling really unwell.
Polly:I mean, yeah, and what's amazing is that that way, the macrobiotics totally did save you. It stopped. You're now super healthy. All the allergies have gone, haven't they?
Nicola:I mean, well, in two weeks, in two weeks all the allergies went. I mean the, the joint pain took a little longer, just a few months. I mean there were a lot. I mean I was suffering with a lot of things. Um, I was very overweight at the time as well, that you know. All went, it seemed like a miracle. But, you know, we then went on to help people with really, really well, life-threatening things. You know, yeah, and I and I taught you know the cooking and in a very small nutshell.
Polly:I know it's going to be virtually impossible to do this, but for anyone, I could imagine someone's listening going. So what is this way of eating what? What did you do? But I know it's not what you do anymore, but, very briefly, can you just describe what macrobiotics is for someone who might want to go and look at it for themselves?
Nicola:yeah, and I do, and I do still do it, polly, because it's come back and it's like I have to do all that I do, which is why, you know, I still do readings for people if they need them, if people want help with their diet. You know I do it, you know, and I've got a course as well, that a recorded course, and I will help people. Macrobioticsotics, as I say, macros, bios means great life and this is about finding balance and really everything. We look at kind of a scale of yin and yang. Yeah, so you know, when you find balance, you're like in the middle.
Nicola:You've got extreme yin and you've got extreme yang, so extreme yang would be something, say, like I don't know, table salt, for instance, which is incredibly contracting in the body. So it will make you very contracted, very tight, very dry, very, you know, wizened, and you can't talk. You know you're very quiet because you're contracted. So it's very contracted conditions and diseases, but it manifests in your physicality, your mentality, your spirituality, everything and there's many things that are extremely yang, many things and we say extreme. And then you go to the opposite scale, which is extreme yin, and that would, I would just say simply sugar, for instance, which is very weakening, very, you know bleh, you're kind of, you're very, very expansive. So you have no boundaries anymore, you know. You're just very, very weak, your blood becomes very weak, you attract sickness so easily. But if you have a lot of salt, you need to have the opposite, don't you? So I say another example would be, say, a salty snack and alcohol. You have to have one and with the other you couldn't just have alcohol, alcohol, alcohol or salty snacks.
Nicola:So people are choosing to live their lives completely unknowingly which is what I was doing in an extreme way, eating in an extreme way. So you have one extreme thing, you balance it, have in the opposite, and what we taught was to bring those in a little bit so that you eventually you're eating in more of a natural way, so eating whole grains, you know local fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, fruits and sea vegetables, which people are like what. And in the beginning I was like what Because you know I was very, very, very resistant. It was David, my husband, that drove me to do this and I am forever grateful because I really don't know where I would be if I hadn't have done this, and it changed my life Completely, changed my life literally and in a very quick way.
Nicola:We used to do 12-day courses and people would come for 12 days, eat with us all of their meals and after like four days, you would just literally see this sparkle appear in their eyes and at the 12th day, nobody would want to leave. They'd all be crying, like you know, because they would feel so different. And what it does it brings inner peace Because you know you are what you eat. You know, and if you are eating foods that cause fear, anxiety, because food causes, that, if you're eating those foods, you know you're constantly going to be trying to battle with all of these feelings and actually, yeah, the the root that you well, it's always the root, isn't it? Where's it? Where's it start?
Polly:Yeah, Well, thank you. That's, yeah, Brilliant. Thank you. Whenever I hear you talk about that, it does just. It is amazing how it has totally and utterly changed your life and transformed your life. So you did the course. You did that for 15 years with David, and then you came back to lockdown and then a whole new level of stuff opened up for you. So maybe you could just tell us a little bit about what happened next. So we're talking now light language, angels, all sorts of things.
Nicola:Yeah, and I was so unprepared, I can tell you, yeah, I thought it was menopause, I really did. I was going through menopause and I just thought, maybe this is what happens. You know, I just because I wasn't't doing you know the, the food and I was eating that way myself, obviously, but I wasn't I was felt, felt a bit lost. But then things started happening. I was getting messages in the middle of the night like really intense messages. I'll tell you a little story there, I think, because I was having a lot of third eye stuff going on. So our third eye is like connects to our pineal gland and this is where you know when we're waking up and everything is starting to come online. And I thought I was already, you know, awake and I thought everything was activated online. And I thought I was already, you know, awake and I thought everything was activated.
Nicola:But, yeah, I woke up in the middle of the night and this was glowing purple and I opened my eyes and I just thought, you know, okay, I can see the streetlights outside, I can. I know I'm awake, I'm not asleep, this purple is in my third eye. And then an angel appeared in my third eye. I could see an angel in this purple glow and I was like and then I literally came straight out of it very quickly into my kind of you know logical mind, switched my phone on. You know, I've got a son who lives in Australia, a daughter who at the time was I don don't know somewhere in the world. I thought, who's who needs me? You know what's happened? Nothing. And then I just got this message. It's the name of the person and it was David's ex-wife and she's passing. She's passing over. And I was like, oh my God, now how do I tell him that?
Nicola:you know, and woke up in the morning and he brought me a cup of tea up and he said, oh, he said I've just had a message on my phone. He said, um, my ex-wife's just passed away and, yeah, come through to me in the night through, yeah, this angel. And that was like the beginning. Honestly, it was like, and then it was daily. There was something daily on my diary is just, I could write a book, I mean. It was just something weird happening every single day, and I suppose the biggest one was, um, light language. That was big, really big one. Um, so do you want to just tell?
Polly:explain what light language is, nicola, because yeah, and how did and how that came through for you.
Nicola:So what happened? I was listening to a soundball session during lockdown and this lady then started sort of singing, guess, in this really unusual melody kind of language, and I cannot tell you what happened to my heart. It was just like it was exploding and I just wanted to know what on earth this was. And I looked her up and I found that it was something called light language that I had never heard of. I knew it, I recognized it, I needed it in my life, but this is something like. It is literally like a language. You can't make it up. I mean, it's just not possible. And I discovered that it's like a vibration, not possible. And I discovered that it's like a vibration, it's a vibrational language that literally, you are a vessel. It comes through you. It comes through you from many different beings, different places and different yeah, like there's angelic light language and all kinds of light language. And I was just like completely, you know, I was just I just thought this was amazing and what started happening? I started getting this kind of activation in my throat and for those of you that you know are listening, who are maybe Reiki, you know healers, you'll know this. You know when you've got a blockage in a chakra or you've got an activation or something's going on. You will feel it, yeah, something is happening, and I would wake up in the night, kind of choking, and I weird things over several months.
Nicola:And then we went on a walk midsummer really midsummer, really hot day. We lived in Dorset at the time and we were walking on the coastal pass and I was with David. I don't keep anything from him at all, you know. I mean, he literally has been on this journey with me as well. He does all kinds of stuff as well and I could feel it come. It started coming through, but I stopped it. I was just embarrassed because I thought is this going to sound like gobbledygook, you know? And I got a migraine because I'd stopped it. It was literally all this energy in my throat and in my head.
Nicola:So we went home, david's a healer and he said okay, you know, lie down and I'll do some healing. So he's sitting there, I'm so lucky, so he's doing this healing on my head and I'm just the mig and I don't suffer with migraines. So you know it's a big thing. And he starts doing this healing. Five minutes into this healing, all of a sudden this energetic. This sounds really like crude and awful, but it was like vomit. It was literally came like you know, like a projectile where you cannot stop it, and it was like language and it just came, and it just for 20 minutesile where you cannot stop it. And it was light language and it just came and it just for 20 minutes. It would not stop this vibrational language and it was just. It was shocking, it was amazing. It was like I'd found home. I was crying, it was so much emotion.
Polly:Oh my goodness, david was there to witness this all.
Nicola:Yeah, absolutely, and at the time he had no idea what light language was. I mean, now I know so much more and I do light language activations online for people, so we sit and I will do a light language activation for about 45 minutes and the people that have done this for this is quite a new thing that I've been doing they have changed in that moment and they've literally messaged me for days afterwards, telling me daily what's happening in their life, because it is bringing things online, like we've talked about about. You know, how do you grow spiritually? This is my mission is to help people rise up, to expand, to change their energy as we're moving forward, and light language is probably the most important tool that I have. You know, I feel blessed to have received this.
Polly:Yeah, do you want me to give you a little? Yeah, I would love you to. So when you do one of your activations, the person receiving just needs to receive. They need to do nothing else nothing else, you sit there, just as you are, and receive. I would absolutely love you to yes, yes, please.
Nicola:You sit and receive. I've got little kind of light language on my on my Instagram and they're kind of very. They really are from the heart and they're very. But when it's an activation it really can be very intense because it's going through your whole body. It's activating all the different areas of your body. I see all kinds of things going on. So, yes, we talk about it afterwards and do you again.
Polly:Is this something that you can turn on and off?
Nicola:you can say right, I'm ready and I'm gonna do it now, yes, you can do that, um, but also it will come um spontaneously and I, I literally I can't really stop it, because it will happen like if we're on the motorway, it will suddenly start and I'll start speaking. David's so like, so used to it. Now it's just like I just start and um, and then you, two minutes later, you know, you'll see a burnt out car on the side of the road oh my goodness, and it's clearing the energy.
Nicola:This is how um light language will work, you know, it works with the body, it works with the land, it works with memory, but it is here to raise the vibration and to clear whatever it is that we're going through. So, yeah, do you want me to do a little? Yeah, go on, then let's do it A little taster. Okay, all right, so I just blend with your energy.
Speaker 3:I alaro tonto ai sinimi ala ratai ke mua sunua tantoro tu aia. I hian nargo sunua aratu sunua I pono alaka. I finimu sunua lalai meni a katanda. I alaro sunua aia. I finimu nua tantoro tou sunua ala tai ke mua nua rata. I fina mua sunua alaka ike sinimu tonto ara I Mean I'm more so. No, I like a shinny mood on the water. Oh, for no other to so new I can me a gal. I got a Latter-day kick-kick-kick a letter to a kiss. Anymore I look on my sin. I'm one and I am one. Or a daughter, yeah, lara too. So Iantai Iki monoara Iyallara tontuulatara Iyallara totu sunuuri Iki monoara timuna aruka'aniika shunikimpunturika ikiniakakai Kakakakrutu sunuari iwaaluwini murutu arutututututututu. It's so soothing.
Nicola:It's so soothing, do you have? Do you have an idea of what it's, of what it's saying? Um, it's. It's not actually something that can be translated, because this is an energy. Yeah, so it's to be felt so soothing. Yeah, clearing peace, raising your vibration, you know, meeting you wherever you're at and really instilling that, that feeling, yeah, or like clearing a blockage, yeah and also just the sounds that you're making.
Polly:There's sounds that you just don't hit. They're just sounds you don't hear.
Nicola:No, yeah, yeah, yeah, and I never know what is coming through, because they come through from different places so it can be incredibly different.
Polly:You know, some are like um, aboriginal, like aboriginal kind of very, um, almost tribal, you know, and I and I never know what's coming, so it's, you can't, you can't change it either if you are someone who's quite cynical about all of this stuff, it's just sort of just to open yourself up and just to believe in what might be possible, because, talking to you, you know Nicola is a very normal, lovely human being and she's not sitting here making this up. This is, this is for real, and I know that your gifts are just put to such amazing use, helping so many people with so many different issues, so much different healing, which is needed, um, so it really is such a joy to just dive a little bit deeper into into all of this and find out a little bit more. If there was one message, nicola, to leave people who are listening with about all of this, what would it be?
Nicola:You know I, like you, say just have an open mind. You know, if you're going through something that is bothering you in your life, that is holding you back, you know whether that is a relationship issue, something you know that is stopping you from being on your path, yeah, really living your day from your heart, then, yeah, just dive in, because you know it's about clearing. It's about we've only got today, right. It's about clearing everything that's holding us back, and that's what I'm here for is to clear all of that, whether that's emotional, whether that's physical. You know, opening up your spiritual gifts, you know, whatever it might be, yeah, and just be open. Like you don't know what's possible, do you unless you're open?
Polly:yeah, exactly if anybody listening wants to get in touch, if you're curious, if you want to speak to nicola, find out more what she does, experience some of her amazing gifts. How can they get hold of you, nicola?
Nicola:um, they can get hold of me. Um, my website is nicolamccarthycouk. Instagram's the place that I am on social media, which is nicola underscore, sacred, underscore, alchemy. I've also got podcasts, soulful conversations, so share a lot of my stories with my husband there, so you can kind of yeah, if you still want to know a little bit more before yeah amazing stories.
Polly:I mean, every story is really like a wow story. So, yeah, I would recommend going and having a listening listen to that. Thank you so, so much for coming on metamorphosis, nicola. I really really do appreciate it.
Nicola:And thanks, polly yeah, I've loved it. Thank you, thank you bye. Thank you, thank you.